Keuper Building on a sunny day.

Insurance And Bonding Guidelines

Certificates Of Insurance

What is it?

A certificate of insurance (COI) if proof of coverage for liability for a given event or activity. In effect, it provides evidence of insurance to meet the requirements stipulated in a contract, purchase order, or other agreement.

Why do we need one?

A COI is critical to assure that Florida Institute of Technology has the insurance protections afforded by the contractual requirements.

When do we need one?

A COI must be provided to the university's Office of Compliance and Risk Management and Purchasing Department ten days BEFORE contracted services begin, the commencement date of a contract, or others seek to use facilities at Florida institute of Technology. When submitting for review, provide a copy of the agreement or contract or any other contracting document, if applicable. 

Additionally, other entities may request a COI from Florida Institute of Technology.

Instructions for Certificates Issued by the University

Vendor, contractor, or professional requesting proof that the university is insured. A certificate of insurance is usually requested from an outside entity and provides them with proof that the university has insurance and also provides them with coverage limits. In some cases, the entity requests to be named as an additional insured on the policy. Certificates of Insurance may be requested by university employees/faculty/staff only.

If you are asked for a COI or proof of insurance, complete the (Certificate of Insurance Request) form to request Florida Institute of Technology's certificate of insurance. Requests should be emailed to the Office of Compliance and Risk Management (). Please allow at least 10 business days for the return of the certificate. The certificate will be sent via email to the person requesting the certificate.

Instructions for Certificates Issued to the University

The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that all vendors, contractors,  service providers, and professionals who perform work for the University meet our minimum insurance standards (Insurance Requirements for Vendors, Contractors and Service Providers). When requesting a certificate of insurance, Florida Tech's COI request outlines the insurance requirements.

The contracting Florida Tech Department is responsible to request a Certificate of Insurance from the contractor/vendor/service provider providing duties/services/events or seeking to use facilities at our University. Once received, the department must immediately send the COI upon an agreement to pursue a purchase or contract, along with the agreement or contract (if applicable). All certificates should be sent to the Purchasing Department and the Office of Compliance and Risk Management. Purchasing Department and the Office of Compliance and Risk Management will ensure all certificates are valid and meet insurance requirements.

A properly completed COI must be received and approved by both Purchasing and Compliance and Risk Management before services may be provided or others may be permitted to use university premises or facilities.

The COI must name and reference Florida Institute of Technology as an Additional Insured.

The limits the university usually requests for Commercial General Liability are $1,000,000 combined single limit, per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The university reserves the right to require higher limits from a contractor or vendor for a particular project or event based on the scope of work and associated risks to the university or the anticipated number of attendees. 

If applicable, the COI should include Automobile Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and/or property damage, including owned, hired, and non-owned vehicle coverage.

If applicable, the COI should include Workers' Compensation liability insurance including statutory limits in accordance with Florida's Workers' Compensation Law. To include $1,000,000 Employer's Liability coverage. 

If applicable, the COI should include Sexual Abuse/Molestation coverage in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence ($2,000,000 aggregate) and $3,000,000 excess/umbrella coverage. All contractors and vendors conducting programs involving youth must ensure that they have Sexual Abuse and Molestation insurance. 

Certificate Holder shall read:

Florida Institute of Technology

150 W. University Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901 USA

The completed Certificate of Insurance must contain the following information:

  • Name and address of the agent, phone number, and fax number
  • Name of insurance company(ies) and policy number(s)
  • Policy period and policy limits
  • Name and address of insured
  • Description of coverage(s)
  • Name/Number of Project
  • Signature of the insurer’s agent or representative and date

Vendors and contractors shall name Florida Institute of Technology as an additional insured on its general liability insurance policy as it pertains to the work done/service provided/product delivered to the university and shall provide a 30-day notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of coverage to the university. Such insurance must be primary as to any other valid and collectible insurance.

Insurance Requirements for Third Party Users

Florida Institute of Technology requires third parties (e.g., organizations, businesses, groups) who rent space for functions using university-owned property to carry liability insurance to cover the event. The university does not provide insurance to cover third parties. It is the responsibility of third parties to procure and maintain liability insurance with coverage amounts as specified by Florida Institute of Technology, to protect the third party’s interest. Reservations and arrangements for events are made through the Office of Conferences and Events.

Insurance can be obtained through a brokerage firm, independent agencies, and/or directly from insurance companies, with quotations obtained online or by phone. Alternatively, the Office of Compliance and Risk Management provides access to a liability insurance program available to third parties wishing to use university property for functions or special events who may not otherwise have access to insurance to cover their event. Insurance Requirements for Third Party Users.

Commercial Bond Request

The (Commercial Bond Request) form is used to request Florida Institute of Technology's commercial bond. This form must be completed and emailed to:

Office of Compliance and Risk (

Please contact the Office of Compliance and Risk Management for further assistance.